SIPP Property Management Administrator at Yorsipp Limited - Glasgow, Kentucky, United States
Business Development Manager SIPP ProviderSSAS ProviderInvestmentsRetirementPropertyPensionsUK
Yorsipp are a specialist provider of bespoke SIPP, SSAS and "At Retirement" pension solutions. Our focus is simple - to build on our excellent service reputation by delivering flexible investment and retirement options at a competitive price. We work in true partnership with advisors and aim to become the "provider of choice" for your self-administered clients. What Makes Us Different?Transparency-We are committed to absolute transparency in all we do; includingA simple, easy to understand fee structure with no time cost/hidden charges, Monthly reporting on our operational service against our published service standards,Regular reporting on the assets held within our book and progress towards 2016 capital adequacy requirementsPRO-perty-Expertise-Our specialist property team manage c£65m of property assets. Our expertise ranges from simple sale and leaseback of property to split title and "bricks and mortar" property contributions.Personal Service-We do not operate a call centre approach - meaning we quickly build rapport with our supporting advisers and clients. Supporting Your Relationships-We welcome use of your/your client professional connections rather than mandate a restricted panel of legal/insurance/valuation partners as many other providers do. Technical Insight-Our team have over 200 years pensions experience and our senior management team have enjoyed various technical roles with blue chip providers. Our Head of Business Development currently sits on the both the main and technical committees of our trade body AMPS and hence we are well placed to guide you through the forthcoming budgetary & regulatory changes.Yorsipp Ltd and Yorsipp (Trustees) Ltd do not provide financial advice. This page is for information purposes only and should not be construed as advice or as an invitation to buy, sell or enter into any transaction. Please seek the appropriate advice from a regulated financial advisor.