Nataly Aguilar

Receptionist at Bettys Florists - Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Nataly Aguilar's Colleagues at Bettys Florists
Nataly Aguilar's Contact Details
029 2056 1156
Watsonville,California,United States
Bettys Florists
Nataly Aguilar's Company Details
Bettys Florists logo, Bettys Florists contact details

Bettys Florists

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom • 1 Employees

Bettys Florists - Blossoming Since 1850 - With history dating back that far, Bettys has a been at the same high street location for over the last 50+ years. Bettys is a successful independent florist that are experts in retail, celebration, sympathy and corporate floral creations. Bettys always carries a wide selection of hand picked seasonal flowers, that we deliver across Cardiff, South Wales and further beyond.From the small and independent account customers through to the large well known corporate names, we manage ongoing floral requirements and provide a fast, quality service ensuring customer expectations are managed and delivered. A dedicated team, highly skilled, significant creative flair, and passion to put smiles on recipients faces. A highly recommended florist with significant repeat business and attracting new customers. A delivery service that operates 6 days a week throughout the year.Bettys Website is available to order from 24 hours a day for same/next day delivery.

Details about Bettys Florists
Frequently Asked Questions about Nataly Aguilar
Nataly Aguilar currently works for Bettys Florists.
Nataly Aguilar's role at Bettys Florists is Receptionist.
Nataly Aguilar's email address is *** To view Nataly Aguilar's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nataly Aguilar works in the Retail industry.
Nataly Aguilar's colleagues at Bettys Florists are and others.
Nataly Aguilar's phone number is 029 2056 1156
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