Vice President, Global Operations at Free Russia Foundation - Washington, District of Columbia, US
The Free Russia Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental U.S.-based organization, led by Russians abroad that seeks to be a voice for those who can’t speak under the repression of the current Russian leadership. We represent and coordinate the Russia diaspora. We pay special attention to those who have recently left Russia due to the considerable deterioration of the political and economic situation. We are focused on developing a strategic vision of Russia 'After Putin’ and ‘Without Putinism’ and concrete program for the transition period. We will continue to inform international policy-makers, mass media and opinion leaders on the real situation in Russia. We know firsthand the reality taking place in our country, and have suffered for this; therefore we understand this better than many other people. We maintain our extensive networks of key political, business and civil society leaders throughout Russia. This gives us access to news and events in real time. In addition, we are a hub for recently transplanted Russians and experts on every aspect of Russian society.