Foreman & Associates, LLC is a management consulting firm based in Metro Atlanta, Georgia that offers an array of services to businesses who strive for success and excellence through the 3 E's: Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Efficacy; and who measure success through results not just reports. Our focus is to assist organizations regardless of size or sales volume with the proper counsel, direction, and strategy as they work towards building, revitalizing or restructuring their organization. Offering assistance with an organization's operations, management, team support, and training is our way of making sure that your company's needs are considered and met regardless if you have been in business one year or fifty years. Basically, we help your leadership team make the big decisions about strategy, operations, and your organization.Foreman & Associates sees business like a puzzle or game of chess. If the pieces are not strategically placed the "picture" or "game" is not complete. If a business makes the wrong moves it begins to struggle, and can eventually fail. A mediocre business plan (or lack thereof), inefficient management, slow-paying clients, or disconnected personnel can all be missing or out-of-place "pieces" that can be the difference between a company restructuring itself and rebounding, or falling apart and ultimately failing. We help find the solutions to your organization's problems. We help your organization avoid potential pitfalls and problems.