Our mission is to fulfill one purpose, toprovide you with high-quality visuals anddesign materials so that your projects willstand apart from the rest.Growth Media was founded in 2017 with onegoal in mind: to provide Architects and RealEstate Development Professionals with thehighest quality visuals that directly impact theirprojects. In short, all of our products are createdto help our clients get their projects noticed,funded, and sold.We are a commercial real estate marketing anddesign agency based out of Portland, Oregon,U.S.A.Every member of small team shares a passionfor architecture and design, with most of themstudying Architecture and computer science atuniversity. Our vision of making the highestquality renderings at affordable prices whilstutilizing a platform that is simple and easy foryou is our #1 goal. We specialize in providing commercial realestate developers, brokers, property managers,and architects with unique visuals andmarketing that are designed to capture viewerattention and compel your viewers to takeaction.