Nathan Chase

individual, couples, and family therapist, lcpc, cadc at Outreach Community Ministries - Carol Stream, IL, US

Nathan Chase's Contact Details
Outreach Community Ministries
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Outreach Community Ministries logo, Outreach Community Ministries contact details

Outreach Community Ministries

Carol Stream, IL, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Outreach Community Ministries is a family of faith-based, community service organizations serving central/western DuPage County.The activities and services of Outreach are based on our philosophy of ministry that includes neighborhood and community-based locations; a concern for the whole person, mind, body and spirit; relationships based on integrity and mutual respect; and a desire to equip people to reach their God-given potential.The activities and services of Outreach are available to all residents in the communities we serve without regard for their income. Some activities and services, because of their specific purpose and goals, are limited by age, gender and capacity.Mission:To restore hope and provide opportunities for people to become all that God intends them to be; to partner with the local church to put Christian faith into action through service to the community.Our mission focus is serving the most vulnerable children, teens and families in DuPage County.

community counseling centers (English & Spanish) financial assistance youth mentoring tutoring Hispanic outreach crisis intervention for runaways transitional housing for homeless young women summer school/afterschool programs college opportunity programs community counseling centers (English & Spanish) Non-Profit Philanthropy
Details about Outreach Community Ministries
Frequently Asked Questions about Nathan Chase
Nathan Chase currently works for Outreach Community Ministries.
Nathan Chase's role at Outreach Community Ministries is individual, couples, and family therapist, lcpc, cadc.
Nathan Chase's email address is *** To view Nathan Chase's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nathan Chase works in the Philanthropy industry.
Nathan Chase's colleagues at Outreach Community Ministries are Lisa Henderson, Shalina Wozny, Sarah Arias, Kimberly Wilson, Melinda Inman, Elena Alvarado, Karis Jones and others.
Nathan Chase's phone number is ["+16302052521"]
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