Nathan Gullette

Athletics Graduate Assistant at La Salle High School of Yakima - Union Gap, WA, US

Nathan Gullette's Contact Details
Toledo, Ohio, United States
La Salle High School of Yakima
Nathan Gullette's Company Details

La Salle High School of Yakima

Union Gap, WA, US • 100 - 249 Employees

La Salle High School of Yakima is a Catholic College Preparatory Lasallian high school, based on the teachings of the Lasallian schools' founder, St. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, who founded the first Lasallian school in Reims, France in 1685. La Salle opened its doors in 1998, and is located in the town of Union Gap, WA (south of Yakima). It is the only Catholic high school in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Yakima. The school's motto, Signum Fidei (Sign of Faith), is shared with other Lasallian schools around the world. La Salle includes, welcomes, and serves students and familiesfrom throughout the Yakima Valley who value Lasallian education and who represent a broad social, ethnic, religious,and economic diversity. La Salle High School educates students spiritually, academically, and socially through the promotion of an active faith life, commitment to curricular and co-curricular excellence, and push them toward further learning comparable to their gifts and potential. Based on the belief in the intrinsic value and dignity of each student, the school provides an atmosphere that is moral, caring and joyful. Within such a setting, the school seeks to challenge students to serve others, especially the poor and marginalized, and to deepen their sense of responsibility to the great community and future generations.

Catholic Education Secondary Education Lasallian Education
Details about La Salle High School of Yakima
Frequently Asked Questions about Nathan Gullette
Nathan Gullette currently works for La Salle High School of Yakima.
Nathan Gullette's role at La Salle High School of Yakima is Athletics Graduate Assistant.
Nathan Gullette's email address is *** To view Nathan Gullette's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nathan Gullette works in the Schools industry.
Nathan Gullette's colleagues at La Salle High School of Yakima are Robin Soptich, Tim McGree, Matthias Baudinet, Marianne Ball, Garry Carpenter, Debbie Moorer, Greg Kilseimer and others.
Nathan Gullette's phone number is 509-225-2900
See more information about Nathan Gullette