Electrical machinist at Merced Irrigation District - Chowchilla, California, United States
Merced Irrigation District owns, operates and maintains the New Exchequer and McSwain dams, reservoirs, and hydroelectric facilities.The District's Water System diverts water from the Merced River at two locations. The Northside Canal diversion serves about 10,000 acres of farm ground north of the Merced River. The Main Canal diversion has a capacity of 2,000 cfs, and is located 3 miles downstream of the McSwain Dam. The diversion is from a small reservoir created by the Crocker Huffman Diversion Dam, owned and operated by the District. The Diversion Dam also provides water to salmon and trout hatcheries and rearing facilities.Irrigation water for agricultural purposes has historically flowed from these two diversion points to some 88,000 acres of land irrigated in 2007 within Merced Irrigation District boundaries, encompassing 164,000 gross acres.In addition to surface water from the Merced River, the Merced Irrigation District owns, operates and maintains 239 deep irrigation wells of which 170 are currently active. These deep irrigation wells have historically developed a maximum of 182,900 acre feet at 100% pumping capacity (1976). The wells have been used by the District conjunctively with surface water since the wells were installed.Merced Irrigation District owns, operates and maintains five recreation areas adjacent to the lakes behind New Exchequer and McSwain Dams. Merced Irrigation District is authorized to act as an electric utility under the California Water Code. Merced Irrigation District has owned and operated hydroelectric generating facilities on the Merced River since 1927. In 1995, Merced Irrigation District exercised its authority to sell power to retail electric customers. Merced Irrigation District offers its customers full requirements electric service including power supply and delivery to the customer.