Nathaniel Mok

Animation Intern at Mobigram LLC (CardSnacks App) - New York, NY, US

Nathaniel Mok's Contact Details
Braintree,Massachusetts,United States
Mobigram LLC (CardSnacks App)
Nathaniel Mok's Company Details
Mobigram LLC (CardSnacks App) logo, Mobigram LLC (CardSnacks App) contact details

Mobigram LLC (CardSnacks App)

New York, NY, US • 20 - 49 Employees

CardSnacks is offered as both a mobile application (the top rated Ecard application on iOS and Android) and a hosted web-based business application that lets you send animated greeting cards to your friends, family, and colleagues. You can choose from thousands of card cover original animations (or customize you own) and then personalize the cards with text, photos, backgrounds, videos, music, animations, or your own voice. There is access to over 40,000 pop music tracks and audio beds. Plus, you can add gift cards from over 250 leading retailers including Amazon, Starbucks, iTunes, and much more.CardSnacks combines the convenience and scalability of electronic messaging with the personalization, thought, and fun of paper greeting cards. Recipients do not need the CardSnacks application to receive messages and gifts.The CardSnacks app can be used for every occasion from birthdays to anniversaries or just to say "Thank You", "I Miss You", or anything else. Cards can be sent via text immediately or can be scheduled for a later delivery date.CardSnacks for Business allows organizations to use electronic greetings and gift cards to strengthen engagement with customers, employees, and other constituents. CardSnacks for Business is used by hundreds of companies in Real Estate, Professional Services, Corporate HR, Sales, Education, Health Care, Media, the Non-Profit Sector, and many more! CardSnacks allow you to engage your customers and colleagues with easy tools for managing contacts and campaigns. CardSnacks for business is used for rewarding employee loyalty, thanking customers, sending out reminders, marking special occasions, and dozens of other use cases!

Details about Mobigram LLC (CardSnacks App)
Frequently Asked Questions about Nathaniel Mok
Nathaniel Mok currently works for CardSnacks.
Nathaniel Mok's role at CardSnacks is Animation Intern.
Nathaniel Mok's email address is *** To view Nathaniel Mok's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nathaniel Mok works in the industry.
Nathaniel Mok's colleagues at Mobigram LLC (CardSnacks App) are Dan Berenholtz, Emily Ronan, Jacob Kaye, Mark Wachen, Dimitry Knyajanski, Ignacio Guerendiain and others.
Nathaniel Mok's phone number is N/A
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