IndoAkustik (PT Indoakustik Rekayasa Utama) is a technical consultancy firm that consists of professionals with cumulative experience of more than 25 years. We have worked with local and multi-national team to handle numerous national, regional, or international projects. With the increasing demand in acoustic consultancy in Indonesia and globally, we are motivated to continue providing trustworthy engineering services in the highest professional manner.We offer consultancy services in various stages of a project, such as initial project study, conceptual & detailed design, measurement & commissioning, and design review & evaluation. We also offer noise and vibration related training for professionals in the industry. Several fields that we are proficient in are: 1. Industrial occupational noise prediction & control including FPSO noise study2. Environmental noise3. Vibration analysis4. Public Address and General Alarm System (PAGA) design5. Vehicle noise6. Building and room acoustics. We provide customised solutions, specifically tailored to fulfil the needs and requirements of your project.