Assured safety; Functional styling and Failsafe profits!We are young in the business, and building our ownmarket niche. We aim not just to grow our sales but buildawareness about safe riding. The impetus for this liesupon curating high precision safety ridding gears andaccessories; embedding style; and ensuring a value formoney deal for the end-user.‘Zeus' is our home brand, we have worked back and forthto integrate all major procurement and productionprocesses into our manufacturing systems. So as toenhance genuine user experience, and keep updating ourquality checks to meet-up with the international CEquality standards. We are proud of our designs andhonour our safety features beyond doubtWhere do we Stand today?Over the last 10 years, that we have been in business, notonly have we added a huge band-width of products toour portfolio, but we have also grown leaps and bounds inour market share. Starting with just one city, one product,to having expanded our base to 30 stores spread acrossIndia, and globally covering three other countries.In the coming years, we look forward to investing andupgrading our manufacturing; and product R&D divisionthusaiming for inclusive growth and even better productrange. Also, we want to expand our retail base, and easeout the availability process. Working towards bulkproduction, while maintaining the quality andcustomisation.