Pathika is upcoming representation parallel of Minar Group along with various successful endeavours like Minar Travels, Wishcover, Travboon, Vilasa Luxury, Terrena Minar & Elbon Meetings.The word "Pathika" is derived from Sanskrit word that means traveler. Our endeavor is to travel alongside with our principal on a journey to achieve specific results together. As the name suggests "Pathika" is a modern, innovative & digital - travel sales & marketing representation company. With decades of rich experience in travel, "Pathika" offers a practical & cost-effective option to National Tourism Boards, Cruise liners, Hotels & Destination Management companies, wishing to expand their businesses in the most emerging country of the millennium – India. "Pathika" is known for its core expertise that primarily focused on the reach in the Indian subcontinent regions that include: Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar and Singapore.