TECHNOLOGY | DESIGN| INNOVATION Creating The Future Design and manufacture innovative and futuristic products,we help to create a positive impact in the universe.We create highly innovative and exceptional products for the market with our brand POD-X. Focusing on solving everyday problems for people giving them the best any human can have for today and the future, experimenting with the latest science and technologies. We understand why products work for certain markets and how human interaction and behavior come in to play with our products. We take innovation to another level exploring ideas for the environment and Space. Alongside POD-X We run the design consultancy/studio POD-X DESIGN. The studio focuses on graphic, print, digital, marketing, branding, packaging , media, advertising and innovative campaigns for retail and major brands. Our design work is extremely stunning and unique. We are able to think beyond and outside of any box with our young, fresh open minded approach. We deliver true intelligent beauty and design. We fear nothing!!!!