We, at NGS, believe firmly that education is the key to growth of India. With alarming statistics such as over 50% drop out rate from Pre-school to College, it has sparked intense debates and much thought as to what the solution to these problems could be. We are committed to improving each and every child and encourage children within the education system to strive to achieve new goals and heights. In today's competitive workplace with working parents and stressful lives, we at NGS are in the business of creating and developing the talent of tomorrow through the use of new and cutting edge teaching technology and methodologies.Our methodology revolves around the mission of preparing the next generation to be leaders tomorrow. We bridge the talent gap between the state of the nation today and its need for high quality leaders tomorrow. At NGS, we stand firmly behind our beliefs that experiential learning best prepares youngsters for the reality of tomorrow. By constantly encouraging them to push the boundaries and creating an environment without the fear of failure, we have the conviction that our system truly works.