High school in finance at University of Constantine 1 ( University of Mentouri Brothers Constantine ) at NBR - N/A, , US
NBR is a leader in consulting, training, and coaching in graphical data presentation. The training is appropriate for both technical and non-technical attendees and applies to graphs for presentations, the printed page, and the web. The courses can be customized so that they are based on the customer's data and the mistakes that that particular customer often makes. No background in statistics is assumed. The principal, Naomi B. Robbins, has spoken on graphs to numerous universities including Columbia and McGill; conferences such as O'Reilly's Strata, professional societies including the Society of Women Engineers, Swiss Society of Statistics, and The Society for Technical Communication; and corporations and organizations including Glaxo Smith Kline, UNESCO and branches of the US Government. Consulting services range from a review of the client's graphs to a complete analysis of their data.