Athletes' Voices provides elite athletes with the tools needed to leverage their high-influence platforms to make an impact around issues of importance globally, nationally, locally, and personally, ensuring that their voices aren't just heard in the moment, but are the catalyst or spark for a movement.Increasingly, professional athletes are asked to comment publicly on a myriad of social, civic, and political topics. Through omnipresent social media, 24-hour news, and increased connections between diverse audiences, people with high visibility can make a meaningful contribution to matters of global significance with just a few keystrokes. Athletes are uniquely influential as potential change makers on a broad spectrum of global issues. The Educational Certificate will be offered exclusively to current and retired elite professional and Olympic athletes providing qualified, selected influencers with a deep understanding of the most pressing current issues by developing practical knowledge to enhance their ability to leverage their platforms and strengthen visibility and funding strategies for causes aligned with their philanthropic passions. The full-circle program is augmented by networking opportunities in structured and unstructured sessions, formal mentoring relationships, and 10 months of intern support to fuel transformation.The content sessions and interactive workshops will provide participants with background information on timely issues in advance of national and local elections and global current events with practical strategies on integrating individual passions with relevant policy issues. Attendees will receive personalized playbooks, a platform for external communications, and personnel to support their work. Presentations and discussions will be led by a blend of scholars, authors, researchers, activists, business leaders, philanthropists, academics and high-profile athletes with proven track records for impacting and influencing participation