Neal Rough

Trainer at Midwest Focus Group - , N/A, US

Neal Rough's Contact Details
Decatur,Georgia,30030,United States
Midwest Focus Group
Neal Rough's Company Details
Midwest Focus Group logo, Midwest Focus Group contact details

Midwest Focus Group

, N/A, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Midwest Focus Group is a Promotional Marketing and Distribution Company located in Atlanta, GA. We promote, market, distribute, and sale brand name consumer products. We Work directly with our customers in a face to face environment. Midwest Focus Group Inc. a leader in innovative marketing solutions has risen to the challenge to create the most effective promotional marketing, sales and distribution concepts. We stand behind it with the largest variety of consumer products offered by any company in this industry. Major Sport teams and widely known brand names are just the tip of the iceberg. Our Mission: Our mission is to create greater brand recognition for our clients by using an unrivaled marketing, distribution and sales approach that targets the largest consumer base possible.

Marketing Customer Service Sales Consumer Products Promotions Promotional Marketing Direct Marketing Business Marketing Marketing Software/Advertising Software Management Consulting Services Marketing and Advertising
Details about Midwest Focus Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Neal Rough
Neal Rough currently works for Midwest Focus Group.
Neal Rough's role at Midwest Focus Group is Trainer.
Neal Rough's email address is *** To view Neal Rough's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Neal Rough works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.
Neal Rough's colleagues at Midwest Focus Group are Rasheed Lareche, Melissa Miles, Toniah Spain, Jermaine Harris, Travis Coleman, Jamal Scott, Luther Gadson and others.
Neal Rough's phone number is 770--693-1610
See more information about Neal Rough