NearYou is a trusted online community for people in UK and USA to discover and book health & fitness classes at local boutique studios with professional, independent instructors - online or from the app.Whether yoga, dance, Pilates, martial arts, meditation or other well-being classes, MyNearYou avoids big gym chains and alternatively supports local, independent instructors. It's like the AirBnb of health and fitness classes!It's free to use and allows people to discover amazing studios and classes on their doorstep with no long-term commitment or sign-up fee required. It can help inspire new ways to mix up fitness routines and provides fast to find information on the best classes near to where people live or work, making choices easy.2018 Feefo Gold Trusted Service Award Winner for delivering excellence in customer service and satisfaction. The Feefo award is an independent seal of excellence that recognizes businesses for delivering exceptional experiences, as rated by real customers.The website is designed managed and owned by Beechwood Communications.Download the app - - UK WebsitesYogaClassNearYou - - - MartialArtsNearYou - WebsitesYogaClassNearYou - - https://www.pilatesnearyou.comMartialArtsNearYou -