Neiko Reynolds

Project Supply Assistant at TerraTherm, Inc. - Gardner, Massachusetts, US

Neiko Reynolds's Contact Details
(978) 730-1200
TerraTherm, Inc.
Neiko Reynolds's Company Details
TerraTherm, Inc. logo, TerraTherm, Inc. contact details

TerraTherm, Inc.

Gardner, Massachusetts, US • 57 Employees

TerraTherm is a worldwide leader in the development and implementation of in situ thermal remediation of organic contaminants in subsurface source zones. We advise on, design, build, and operate thermal remediation projects from concept to closure. We offer the broadest array of thermal remediation technologies in the industry, allowing us to tailor project designs to specific site conditions, using the optimal combination of methods, without bias towards any single technology or approach. TerraTherm partners with leading engineering firms, government agencies, corporations, and property owners in flexible, cooperative relationships to achieve cleanup goals. Our expertise, broad set of proven technologies, and seasoned staff combine to provide the most effective cleanup available for a broad array of contaminants within all soil types and site conditions. We deliver high return on investment, dramatically increase property value, and minimize liability. Our projects are neighborhood-friendly, producing minimal noise, dust and disruption. They achieve complete results within predictable time frames, enable final site closure, optimize property value, and eliminate the risks of liability and long-term threats from contaminants.

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Details about TerraTherm, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Neiko Reynolds
Neiko Reynolds currently works for TerraTherm, Inc..
Neiko Reynolds's role at TerraTherm, Inc. is Project Supply Assistant.
Neiko Reynolds's email address is *** To view Neiko Reynolds's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Neiko Reynolds works in the Waste/Recycling/Environmental industry.
Neiko Reynolds's colleagues at TerraTherm, Inc. are Garret Dewey, Timothy Burdett, Gordon Frost, Jeff Brink, Nikole Huard, Tim Burdett, Benny Hardy and others.
Neiko Reynolds's phone number is ["(978) 259-3504"]
See more information about Neiko Reynolds