Since opening as a Seattle-based crankshaft repair shop in 1948, we have consistently expanded our size and capabilities. Today, our facility in Portland has some of the most specialized equipment in the industry, and our experienced work force enables us to offer you unparalleled services when you need it most.We specialize in the repair, overhaul, and custom manufacturing of hydraulic cylinders, pumps and control valves either as complete assemblies or as individual parts. We manufacture various types of rolls for the steel, plastic, and pulp and paper industries as well as repair and rebuild bearing journals and seal areas on all types of shafts. Our wide range of equipment and capabilities enable us to process a variety of components. We can rebuild your parts to "like-new" condition and extend the life of your equipment. We can also design and manufacture new equipment to meet your specific requirements.Precision Equipment is a SUBSAFE/Level 1 qualified manufacturer and repair facility specializing in hydraulic accumulator overhaul. Working with SUBMEPP and NAVSEA, Precision Equipment continues to be involved with the U.S. Navy's Advanced Equipment Repair Program (AERP) and Trident Refit facilities nationwide.