Neil Parmenter

President & CEO at Canadian Bankers Association - Toronto, Ontario, CA

Neil Parmenter's Colleagues at Canadian Bankers Association
Laura Kolstein

Web and Design Specialist

Contact Laura Kolstein

Patricia Adjizian

Manager, Translation Services

Contact Patricia Adjizian

Marwa Naran

Analyst, Banking Transformation & Strategy

Contact Marwa Naran

Sarah Israr

Intelligence Analyst

Contact Sarah Israr

Alex Gray

Manager, Government Relations

Contact Alex Gray

Claudia Landres-Hansen

Bilingual Senior Administrative Assistant

Contact Claudia Landres-Hansen

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Neil Parmenter's Contact Details
(416) 362-6092
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Bankers Association
Neil Parmenter's Company Details

Canadian Bankers Association

Toronto, Ontario, CA • 82 Employees

The Canadian Bankers Association is the voice of more than 60 domestic and foreign banks operating in Canada and their more than 280,000 employees and it continues to provide governments and others with a centralized contact to all banks on matters relating to banking in Canada. The CBA advocates for public policies that contribute to a sound, thriving banking system to ensure Canadians can succeed in their financial goals. Our purpose, vision, mission and values guide our efforts: PURPOSE: Ensuring the sector is at the forefront of growing a sustainable economic future for Canadians. VISION: To be an industry-driven and forward-looking organization that is responsive to the needs and interests of its membership. MISSION: The CBA is an industry-driven organization that works to advocate for and promote banking in Canada. Learn more at _________________________________________________________________________________ L’Association des banquiers canadiens est la voix de plus de 60 banques canadiennes et étrangères exerçant des activités au Canada qui contribuent à l’essor et à la prospérité économiques du pays, et de leurs plus de 280 000 employés, ainsi que le point de contact central en matière d’enjeux bancaires nationaux pour les gouvernements et autres intervenants. L'ABC préconise l’adoption de politiques publiques favorisant le maintien d’un système bancaire solide et dynamique, capable d’aider les Canadiens à atteindre leurs objectifs financiers. Notre fondement, notre vision, notre mission et nos valeurs guident nos efforts. FONDEMENT – Veiller à ce que notre secteur soit un acteur clé dans la création d’un avenir économique durable au Canada. VISION – Demeurer une organisation tournée vers le secteur et vers l’avenir, sensible aux besoins et aux intérêts de ses membres. MISSION – L’ABC est une organisation sectorielle qui a pour mission la défense des intérêts du secteur bancaire canadien et son rayonnement.

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Details about Canadian Bankers Association
Frequently Asked Questions about Neil Parmenter
Neil Parmenter currently works for Canadian Bankers Association.
Neil Parmenter's role at Canadian Bankers Association is President & CEO.
Neil Parmenter's email address is *** To view Neil Parmenter's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Neil Parmenter works in the Bank industry.
Neil Parmenter's colleagues at Canadian Bankers Association are Laura Kolstein, Naina Ralhan, Patricia Adjizian, Marwa Naran, Sarah Israr, Alex Gray, Claudia Landres-Hansen and others.
Neil Parmenter's phone number is (416) 362-6092
See more information about Neil Parmenter