Beginner's Mind: a catalyst for social innovation – we build strategic direction and leadership; co-design programmes; harness collaboration and capability by "shifting focus" to find fresh, meaningful solutions—crafted to address fundamental problems. Beginner's Mind brings insight, energy and experience: we're a catalyst, a connector. We embrace ambiguity, generate strategic intent, focus on the user and facilitate collaboration. We take pride in approaching projects with an open mind, we embrace the eagerness of the beginner's mind: we ask questions to learn; we don't make assumptions as ‘experts'. We work and learn with clients, users and collaborators to develop a bespoke, valuable strategy. Beginner's Mind works with Government policy/strategy & delivery teams, public service agencies, NZ corporates with community & social responsibility goals, NGOs, social enterprises and philanthropic organisations. Our service values are: • Beginner's Mind provides a dedicated service: you are the "change agent" and we work directly with you to meet your agency's needs • We are user-focused: our client shares in our efforts to understand the user's needs • We customise our dynamic tools to make useful solutions • We innovate to deliver the outcomes you need • We co-design: our clients and importantly, their users, have direct input in the solutions • We set robust frameworks and metrics to demonstrate progress and outcomes • Participation in our community improves our effectiveness and engagement Talk to us about our service areas: • Strategic development/leadership • Developing a commissioning approach to achieving outcomes • User focused service design • Business/investment cases • Development/formative evaluation advice • Performance frameworks/outcome measures • Collaboration/partnership/capability development Get in touch!