Seaplane seeks angel investment to fund retail stores, an aggressive direct-to-consumer and wholesale show calendar, PR, app development, online customer recruitment and more.Since its launch in 2011 Seaplane has sold more than 10,000 vibrant, resort-style, collectible printed cotton shirts for men, women, and kids — some prints in as few as a dozen examples each. When you see our 400 prints catalogued, you understand the creative commitment this represents.If you're in the market for a fun shirt, there is no resource like Starting Spring 2017, every shirt is individually labeled with its name and unique production number.Exploring a new model for made in USA, direct-to-consumer, online sales, we source remnants of high-quality cotton voiles in Los Angeles, producing tiny numbers of collectible shirts in Philadelphia. No matter your politics, Seaplane's story is right for today.Our breezy cottons are ideal for summer. They make the perfect four-season layer. Mixed with your timeless classics, our whimsical prints demonstrate your taste, refinement and imagination.