Rambo at RAMBO (Roswell, Alpharetta Mountain Bike Organization) - Roswell, Georgia, United States
The RAMBO Mission Statement is as follows: The Roswell/Alpharetta Mountain Biking Organization (RAMBO) Chapter of the Southern Off Road Biking Association (SORBA) is a volunteer organization dedicated to improving off road biking recreational opportunities through advocacy for quality trail systems. RAMBO fosters relationships with community leaders & land managers, promotes volunteerism, and outdoor recreation that is consistent with environmental protection, thereby strengthening the community and quality of life. Toward these ends, RAMBO/SORBA has the following goals:1. Activities and Programs. To provide its members and the general public with opportunities to steward, care for, and create trails on the Southeast's open spaces. We offer trail maintenance work days, bicycle courtesy patrols, group rides, educational programs and family activities designed to promote the responsible use of public trails by mountain bikers.2. Environmental Protection. To provide leadership in protection and preservation of the environment by advocating the development of informed public policy, by advocating the development of sustainable trail system and by encouraging the establishment and management of protected land and water areas within SORBA's geographical area.3. Organization. To provide an organization of volunteers and professionals who will manage SORBA's facilities and programs, encourage public respect for the environment and mountain biking, offer SORBA's expertise to others, and support individual contributions in realizing SORBA's goals.We build the trails you ride… Join us!Follow us @Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Roswell-Alpharetta-Mountain-Bike-Organization-RAMBO/179808458708141 Twitter: https://twitter.com/rambomtbGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109787253911920370009/postsInstagram: http://instagram.com/rambomtb#