Neo Aventura is a Community of Travelers seeking to find their New Adventurous selves.At Neo Aventura, we believe that all of us are meant to have fulfilling lives doing the things we love. We want to inspire other individuals to take action and create a life of travel and adventure. Neo Aventura goes outside of the boundaries of work, school, and other obligations that inevitably plague our lives. We are the proof of how it is absolutely possible to create a life of travel regardless of what society tells you. Neo Aventura platform allows its Community to:- Submit his articles to be published in our community blog;- Share their best Travel Pictures;- Share itineraries, travel hacks, travel recommendations and experiences;- Learn Social Media and Digital Marketing skills that allow the nomad lifestyle;- Profit from our products and services;- Partner & Submit merchandise requests;- Organize Tours & Events;Neo Aventura, as an organization, also works with Travel Brands to showcase their Products & ServicesFollow your heart and live a life without limitations. Don't settle for being an observer of someone else's story, when you were meant to be the star of your own movie. Neo Aventura is much more than a community or a movement, it's a way of living. One day, we want you to be part of our Community. We want you to share your story here... and inspire others as we have inspired you!