Established in 2020, DigiPixel aims to provide businesses with the opportunity and assistance needed to go digital. Sincere customer service runs at the forefront of our operations, with no extra mile not taken for our clients.The uncertainty of the realities we live in today, realities of which none of us could have prepared for, has caused much of the world to move online. This move has further accelerated the already decades-long digital transformation process - children utilising at-home Internet access to attend classes remotely; employees working from home; numerous firms adopting digital business models to maintain operations and preserve revenue flow. DigiPixel is here to provide you with affordable and effective solutions to digitalise your businesses.Our in-house team is fully committed to simplifying the website development process to ensure a fuss-free and pleasant experience for your customers. Close partnerships will be forged with you to achieve that perfect balance of your company's values and business model with customised designs and functions to ensure the optimum efficiency of your website and marketing campaign.