Técnico de investigación y desarrollo at Vellsam Materias Bioactivas - Tabernas, Andalucía, Spain
VELLSAM MATERIAS BIOACTIVAS, S.L. is a company dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of biostimulants and plant nutrients. Nowadays, the activity is dedicated to the manufacture, preparation and distribution of root and leaf fertilizers based on biotechnological applications and respect for the environment.It is a company whose philosophy is based on offering complete and comprehensive services to 21st century agriculture.We are approaching a new era, new concepts based on biotechnology and above all respect for the environment.These are our challenges, and for this we have advanced manufacturing and research systems which are at our customers' service.We offer integral consultancy to the client for the development of new agro-nutrients and products (R & D consultancy, product registration, .....). In our company we research and develop new phytonutrients suitable to the needs of our customers.It is a company dedicated from the beginning to the formulation of active principles within the sector of the manufacture or production of phyto-nutrients of organic base, as biostimulants and vegetal nutrients that go from the application of microorganisms to the soil to the plant that on one hand release the nutrients that are blocked in the soil and on the other, synthesize another assimilable by the plant, to make them available at the time of stress, nutritious substances that can be incorporated into its structure or physiological processes directly (rooting, aid in flowering, curdling, maturation , retardants, etc.) in each of the different stages in their development, as well as in different species.