Project 90 is a student-run club at the University of Calgary that aims to make changes in the world through applying the engineering skills. We partner with existing NGO's and undertake student-capable engineering projects through these organizations. Project 90 provides students the opportunity to participate in partnership projects that empower developing local and international communities. We have 4 main projects for the 2020-2021 year:Malawi Water Project: This project is to collect and refurbish computers for the use of training community volunteers in Malawi. Computers will mainly be used to teach about water sanitation and hygiene in their on site training facilities. Some challenges are that they must be built to be durable due to harsh environments and have good battery life due to limited electricity. Haiti Solar: This project is to design and possibly travel to build a solar power system for permanent buildings on campus at Haiti Arise. The campus right now is run mainly by generator power and occasional city power. They are looking to implement systems that can bring them away from that as fuel costs are high, maintenance is an issue and city power is not dependable. The buildings will include technical and elementary schools, clinics, as well as various other buildings on the properties. Haiti Design: In this project, students will design and possibly go build a guest house for the Haiti ARISE campus in Haiti. It will be located on the beach property and must be fully designed for the organization. This house itself needs to be able to accommodate people staying for long as well as short term periods and have a study area for students on campus. LUTW: In this project, students work with Light Up the World to develop a solar panel grid system for community owned buildings such as schools and health centers in Peru. Teams have split into sub groups for small sub projects with community in mind. One sub project is to design drones for children.