Exclusive Networking Groups in NYC and Westchester | Business Networking Opportunities at Network MNG - New York, NY, US
Formed in 2007 by business professionals with years of experience in both local and national networking organizations, Network MNG has grown rapidly because our philosophy is focused on camaraderie and cooperation. With two groups in Manhattan and one in Westchester, NY, plus two more groups launching this fall, we help our members develop new business networking opportunities.At Network MNG, our goal is to provide a relaxed, comfortable, no-pressure atmosphere focused on long-lasting relationships and new friendships. Some of the expectations of our members include:★Create Strategic Alliances★Expand Personal and Professional Network★Build and Nurture Long-Term Business Relationships★Make New and Long-Lasting FriendshipsThose goals have lead to the following benefits for our members:✔Increased Business Leads✔Friendly and Professional Atmosphere✔Access to Leaders in Various Industries✔Cooperation and Collaboration✔Become a Resource for Your ClientsInstead of demanding a certain number of referrals each month, we expect you to be an active member and to develop relationships through one-on-one appointments with other members, attend bi-weekly meetings, and developing strategic alliances. Each of our groups meet twice a month in order to nurture these relationships, but also to help each other solve the business problems our members are facing through brainstorming sessions. Some recent brainstorming topics have included:★Incorporating new technologies★Training new employees★Dealing with problem employees★Strategies for launching new businessesIf you're interested in visiting one of our groups, and to get our upcoming schedule, visit networkmng.com or contact any of the following:✪marketing@networkmng.com✪membership@networkmng.com✪info@networkmng.com