We are dedicated to creating the games you want to play. We have developed a wide variety of mobile games on several platforms. Share the Game, is the game development division of Axe Apps, an application development company dedicated to serving our clients and creating smart, usable, and augmented apps that solve our problems in simple, fun, and creative ways.We also develop several learning games made for gamers of all ages. Whether it is primary or highschool gamers or those that have long since gratuated college, they all have one thing in common; they love gaming. Why not harness that passion as way and vehicle to learn.Gamification has now entered our modern vocabulary, and gaming is now entering into new areas of our lives. Many businesses are incorporating games into their training practices. On-boarding processes are being gamified. Safety training is helping to save lives. Let's face it; we live in a world that contains gaming elements almost every where we look. It's time for us to start leveraging the power and fun of gaming to help make our world more enjoyable, safe, and efficient.