Irish Film London, now in its sixth year, presents the latest and greatest of Irish Film & Animation to a London audience. The organisation runs events through the year, including the film section of the St. Patrick's Day Festival with the GLA, and its activities then culminate in the 5 day Irish Film Festival London in November each year. Through Premiere screenings, Director Q&A sessions, related workshops, exhibitions and performances, the organisation aims to bring together industry professionals, film fans and fans of Irish Arts & Culture alike. Focusing on Irish productions, scripts and casts, we strive to provide a significant platform for Irish Film in London, and to ensure that we continue to promote the best of Irish creative talent here in the UK. We would like to thank the Irish Film Board, Culture Ireland, the Arts Council of Ireland, IFI International, the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade of Ireland, and the Irish Cultural Centre Hammersmith for their kind support over the last five years.