KB Capital Group Private Equity Fund is focused on control-oriented investments that are cash flow generating. The Funds seek to invest in companies and portfolios with valuable, often unique assets that in our view can benefit over time from high barriers to entry, strong, stable cash flows and attractive fundamentals. The Funds take an active approach to private equity investing, seeking situations where significant value can be unlocked and created through balance sheet restructuring, operational improvements, and strategic managementWe are value-oriented investors, and will invest in situations that may be overlooked by others, including in companies suffering from capital markets dislocation, financial distress, complexity or negative market sentiment.Underlying KB Capital Group's approach to private equity investing is our focus on capital preservation and downside protection. Even in highly volatile valuation environments, we believe that tangible collateral and diversified cash flows provide a foundation of long term investment value, as well as a platform from which meaningful growth can be achieved.While we are open to investments across a range of industries, our investments have focused recently on capital intensive sectors in which we have specialized expertise: small to midcap product and service based industries where debt restructuring, cash flow and operational management are at the epicenter of required solutions.Predatory lenders and unfulfilled marketing promises have left many a company with challenging decisions to make, we are here to help.