Vision: To obtain the best results, inspire the highest outcome, and implement solutions to a better continuum of care. Mission:To create a groundbreaking, seamless flow of care that overcomes barriers and makes patients success obtainable.Values:- We are better together: We believe that success is more often obtained when we work together.- We are present: Our patients receive our undivided, one-on-one attention. You will never need to share your therapist or be placed into a highly distracting environment. - We are risk takers: When it comes to reaching people and goals we refuse to give up. We believe that the medical field is always evolving and that many goals can be reached if you are willing to work for them.- We believe in your privacy: Our patients will enjoy being able to pursue their goals in the comfort of their own home.- We are affordable: We believe that it is our duty as healthcare providers to make success attainable so we charge the same amount you would pay at a traditional outpatient clinic.- We are supportive: We believe in empowering both our therapists and patients to provide the highest possible level of care. We never want a therapist to feel like they could have done more or a patient to feel like they could have achieved more.