Bobby Goldsmith Foundation (BGF) is Australia's oldest community based HIV organisation, committed to providing client-centred care to help people living with HIV to thrive. Founded in 1984, BGF undertakes a range of support and interventions that address key determinants of poor health outcomes for people living with HIV (PLHIV) – ie long-term social and economic poverty.BGF provides direct financial and practical assistance, emotional support, financial counselling, housing, study and employment support to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people living with HIV in New South Wales and South Australia.Working holistically with clients to limit the challenging circumstances that are often detrimental to physical and emotional wellbeing: BGF has provided care and support to thousands of PLHIV and operate a range of programs and services to address issues of social isolation, stigma, medication adherence and positive healthy living.BGF is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (Item 1), and is a registered charity in NSW: CFN 13955.