Express Weight Loss and Wellness specializes in Medical Based Weight Loss programs, Wellness and Lab Testing. Our weight loss programs are physician supervised and offer the most comprehensive, customized program available for one affordable price. Our weight loss plan includes monthly visits with our practitioner and dietitian and weekly visits with our medical assistants. We work closely with each patient, making the necessary adjustments throughout the process to allow our patients to achieve their short and long term goals. Our mission is to reach target weight quickly and easily and to provide guidance to maintain this goal weight permanently. Our clinic offers FDA-approved prescription medications along with B12 , B-Complex, and Lipotropic Injections to improve energy levels and help with weight loss progress. Our Lab Testing facility offers over 700 individual tests including blood tests, urine tests, DNA paternity testing , STD panels, drug screens, wellness panels, allergy panels, hormone tests, PSA, thyroid, cancer screens and so much more. All tests are Completely Confidential, Affordable, Quick and No Doctor Order or Prescription is required.