Evidence gathered from social media is becoming crucial to an increasing number of legal cases. In recent years, some courts have even declared it a lawyer's responsibility to utilize social media and other online resources. Compelling social media evidence may be the difference between a win and a loss. Of course, there are ethical considerations with regards to the gathering of any kind of evidence. Improperly obtained evidence may be thrown out or even result in penalties for the attorney and/or client. At Toonari, we have developed Tomoko, a state-of-the-art AI-guided technology that allows us to rapidly gather, sort, and analyze data from multiple social media and web sources. Tomoko simply allows us to obtain better information, faster. Our staff, which includes former Microsoft Employees & NSA Intelligence Analysts with active Top Secret Security Clearance, is highly trained in the area of online information gathering. Other companies generally do not specialize in this field and may not be equipped to handle the massive amounts of data uncovered. At Toonari, we are dedicated to the ethical collection of court admissible data.