We help companies of all sizes find more customers through location based advertising. NearByHere is a leader in location intelligence that drives sales - unlocking opportunity in the 90% of retail transactions that are still completed offline. By leveraging a mobile device's current or past location data, NearByHere can provide in-store visitation insights by market, brand and even by specific competitors. It is through this first party data and intelligence that NearByHere can interpret the most relevant moments to introduce a brand's message, providing a more personalized and meaningful mobile ad experience to consumers while impacting the point of decision - driving in-store foot traffic and sales. Each month, NearByHere uses patented location solutions to help marketers reach unprecedented scale with access to 600 million unique devices and 100 million unique places and points of interest across 100+ thousand apps globally. With NearByHere, marketers can finally close the gap between online activities and offline sales.