At Subdirect, we work with B2C companies to optimize the customer experience. Our multi-pronged approach enhances the velocity and quality of acquisition, increases value and maintains loyalty and engagement throughout the lifetime of your customer. Always at the forefront of our strategy are the four pillars of the customer journey: Acquire, Engage, Retain and Monetize. Acquire: Connect with new prospective buyers through various acquisition promotions. Using online, telemarketing and direct mail campaigns, we hone in on the best audience for your product while maintaining quality through active engagement and rigorous data screening. Engage: Continue to enhance and add value to your customer experience. Through custom offers across our product network and exclusive promotions, we target the unique interests of your audience through surprise and delight. Retain: Learn more about what your customers really think and desire through our turn-key survey platform, RewardBee. Utilize our digital marketing resources to stay connected to your customers. Monetize: Generate new revenue streams through our customer-centric approach. Specializing in loyalty marketing, will develop targeted ancillary product and service offers for your customers by tapping into our vast affiliate network which includes print and digital magazines. Our Suite: *REWARDBEE is an survey online platform that enhances business development for our clients through consumer insights, digital marketing, lead generation, product placement, and more.*WAITING ROOM SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES provides publishers, marketers, and retailers with an extensive array of highly targeted solutions to enhance marketing needs, build relationships and generate incremental income. * SUBCO offers a consumer touch point clearinghouse and fulfillment center that partners with selling agents, retailers, e-commerce websites and loyalty companies to build circulation for our magazine publisher partners.