Since August 2011, AEHS Group became a wholly owned company Today, in the interest of efficiency and visibility, we are aligning ourselves to the Group and therefore rebranding AEHS into more airlines engines fleet. Focused to support Regional Airlines, including some of the best in engine technical service and consulting in the engine industry. Specialize on GE (CF6, CF34, GE90, GEnx-1B/2B engines), Rolls Royce (RB211 family engines) and SNECMA (CF56 engines). By using engine data recorded during flight either by flight crew or through the data bus of the aircraft, AEHS Group checks the engine health and determine timely the irreversible processes occurring during engine in service for optimization downtime of aircraft. AEHS Group being analyzed from more than 100 engines from 11 different customers in 5 countries.