For more than 15 years, we have worked closely with corporate Fortune 500 companies, top restaurant managers and other creative directors to provide live, scale-able, and professional music entertainment. Our Executive Manager, Nick Mack, is a member of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) where he has accumulated several R&B songwriting and keyboard credits and a keyboard credit on an Electronic Pop/Rock album. In his role as supervising sound editor, Mack has composed music for several independent films overseeing virtually every other member of the sound team. In addition, he received the collegiate award in music, music business and record engineering from the organization responsible for the Grammy's: The National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS). Education and mentoring is a large portion of Mack's passion as he works diligently with students by providing coaching and mentorship in areas ranging from piano, guitar, vocal training, songwriting and sound design.