Day With Daddy is committed to strengthening families by empowering fathers to have more impact in the lives of their children. We were founded on Feb 19, 2012 and formed as a Texas not-for-profit organization on February 13, 2013. We connect fathers who spend limited time with their children with resources, activities, and events that are designed to foster a healthy parenting relationship.According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 24 million children in America (1 of 3) live in biological father-absent homes. Absentee parenting is continuing to grow and Day With Daddy wants to help reduce this staggering statistic. Day with Daddy is designed to be a platform for like-minded fathers inspired by the experiences that are shared and designed to stimulate an active parental relationship with their children.Interested in Volunteering or Sponsorship?Please inquire directly to or, respectively.