Marketing & Events Coordinator at Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association - Winnipeg, MB, CA
Founded in 2010, the Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA) is a not-for-profit, industry-funded organization whose membership includes beverage brand owners and distributors. CBCRA is committed to reaching the government-mandated target of recovering 75% of beverage containers sold in Manitoba. CBCRA implemented and operates the Recycle Everywhere program. Recycle Everywhere strives to educate Manitobans on beverage container recycling, and ensure that it is convenient to recycle empty beverage containers no matter where you live, work or play. A comprehensive away-from-home recycling program combined with the Blue Box has created a recycling system that is a cost effective and convenient way for citizens to recycle beverage containers everywhere.The CBCRA program enables Stewards to take responsibility for beverage containers wherever they are consumed, whether at home, work or play, and recover them at a lower cost than in other Canadian jurisdictions.