WhyWe intend to provide solutions to some of the fundamental and global human needs: access to clean water and sanitation, free-energy and connectivity. Our mission is to improve global living standards for the most in-need people in the world. We strive to empower them with new possibilities, by helping them to become healthy, thus dedicating dedicate their vital energy to social evolution and education rather than mere survival.We are inspired by the virtuous synergy between Nature, Humankind and Technology.We know that this better future we are aspiring to achieve starts by not leaving 5 billion of us behind.We believe that abundance for all is currently our grand challenge, but will tomorrow be our common destiny.HowWe create technological solutions powered by clean and renewable energies. They respect and protect the Earth's ecosystem. They are conceived through innovative design and unconventional engineering approach. We are inspired by the 4th Industrial Revolution paradigms and its potential. WhatIt just so happens that we built the most advanced and beautifully designed solar water purifiers and micro-powers station in the world.