Tremblant Capital Group is a global asset management firm founded in 2001 by Brett Barakett specializing in long/short and long only equity investing. Mr. Barakett leads a team of experienced sector portfolio managers who conduct deep fundamental research to uncover potential investments trading at a material dislocation from fair value. Key to Tremblant's investment approach is an expertise in identifying secular, structural and company specific changes, as they are often catalyst for compelling opportunities. Additionally, Tremblant believes integrating relevant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analysis into the research process may help mitigate a range of investment risks.Tremblant has invested across a range of market environments, honing its unique process and developing a team of investment professionals trained in Tremblant's methodology. The cohesive investment team brings a nuanced understanding of their areas of specialization to the firm. We believe that a collaborative culture, focused sector expertise, and a proven, repeatable investment process provide a sustainable competitive advantage.Tremblant is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as an Investment Adviser, and is a Qualified Professional Manager under ERISA. Tremblant is headquartered in New York City.------------------An investment in Tremblant's funds bears considerable risk and will only be suitable for certain sophisticated, as investors could lose some or all of their investment. Past performance is not an indication of future results. The ESG Factors that are analyzed by Tremblant are not all-inclusive and generally limited to material factors that Tremblant believes would cause material financial impact on a company's business or stock price. See our Responsible Investment Policy for further information on our ESG process which is subject to change: