SMITH STRONG, PLC is a premier family law and estate planning firm with offices in Richmond and Williamsburg, Virginia. SMITH STRONG, PLC, focuses on protecting assets and preserving futures for individuals and their families at three critical transition points: (1) separation/divorce; (2) estate planning/retirement; and (3) elder law/avoiding unnecessary nursing home and long-term care costs. Following a Smart Start Comprehensive Case Preparation Meeting, each new client that is accepted as a client with Smith Strong, PLC meets with the Client Services Specialist, Paralegal, and Lead Attorney for their case, ensuring a plan of action is created from day one. This level of focus, attention, and sensitivity is possible because the firm keeps its client membership small and selective. Family law and estate litigation solutions include negotiated settlement, collaborative approaches and in-court remedies, depending on the emotion, financial need and reality of each unique case. Smith Strong, PLC provides legal strength to its client-members in difficult family law situations, welcoming referrals from fellow attorneys, satisfied previous clients, and raving fans of their unique, cost effective approach. To learn more visit In 2015, attorney Van Smith was awarded Richmond Times-Dispatch's Reader's Choice award in the areas of family law and estate planning.