Nicole Hammond

Digital Marketing Specialist at Belk - Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Nicole Hammond's Contact Details
(704) 357-1000
Nicole Hammond's Company Details
Belk logo, Belk contact details


Charlotte, North Carolina, US • 12090 Employees

Charlotte-based Belk, Inc., a privately-owned department store, began when William Henry Belk opened his first store in 1888 with his brother, Dr. John Belk, joining as a partner. What started as two brothers in business has now grown into a legacy of selling great products at great prices, treating customers like family, and giving back to the community. Throughout the years, we’ve changed and grown in so many ways. We’ve added exciting products, adapted the way we work, and made it easier to shop with new technology and services. Today, Belk serves customers at nearly 300 Belk stores in 16 Southeastern states, at, and through the mobile app.

Department Store Fashion Retailer Home Goods Retail Cosmetics Apparel Accessories Furniture Gifts Beauty
Details about Belk
Frequently Asked Questions about Nicole Hammond
Nicole Hammond currently works for Belk.
Nicole Hammond's role at Belk is Digital Marketing Specialist.
Nicole Hammond's email address is *** To view Nicole Hammond's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nicole Hammond works in the Retail industry.
Nicole Hammond's phone number is (704) 357-1000
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