Today, the second leading cause of death in the entire world between the ages of 18-24 is suicide. (CDC)REBORN is a mental health organization with a focus on youth suicide prevention. We have several forms of outreach and awareness such as events, fundraisers, college chapters, certification, and advocacy opportunities. We are currently fundraising to launch a 4 step program that we truly believe will help today's suffering youth. (Contact us for more information on this program)Our mission is to re-imagine traditional mental health approaches through(A) Social innovation, (B) Direct impact initiatives, (C) Programs (D) outreach, and (E) Awareness of mental health with a focus on suicide.Our vision is to create an innovative global movement that influences and inspires today's under 30 youth to reach out, use our resources, talk to someone, share their story, and look forward to living another day.IMPACT DRIVEN: We believe in making Reborn "impact driven". This means creating content that truly resonates with others, using modern digital platforms, programs, resource opportunities, and awareness of the crisis on today's youth, which is suicide. We desire to inspire a movement which leads people to make the decision to stay. As we stand in the face of suicide, Reborn is a generation that chooses life.