Founder, Director of Creativity and Innovation at Pedunkle STEM Institute - San Antonio, TX, US
Mission: To inspire, empower, and prepare students (K-12) by strengthening process skills through science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Pedunkle STEM Institute offers several educational programs and services to the San Antonio community. Vision: We envision a today and a tomorrow where students are inspired to ask questions and prepared to seek answers. Tag Line: Invigorating the Innovators of TomorrowValues: 1. Inspiration: Spark interest and enthusiasm in the hearts of students. Awe and motivate others to inquire.2. Intent: Be strategic and act with the intent to fulfill the mission and vision of the organization.3. Interaction: Produce hands-on learning opportunities that engage and foster active learning.4. Imagination: Have fun! Encourage originality and stimulate curiosity.5. Interpersonal Relationships: Get to know your students, community and cared for the well-being and interests of others. Remain relevant, updated and personal.6. Interdependence: Advocate for and support a mutual dependence between organizations, industry, community, and schools.7. Integrity: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Be fair, do the right thing and keep commitments.