Since 1981, Argus West has been a leading provider of professional investigative services throughout California. While Argus West's predominant work force are employees in California, additional states are becoming a part of our growth. Our SIU program incorporates annual SIU compliance, anti-fraud plans and reporting in all states. Argus West is a mid-size private investigative firm managed by experience acquired within the insurance industry. For 39 years, Argus West has built an industry-leading reputation with investigative experience, expertise and diversity that rivals national companies. Communication, personal service, experience and quality control are the foundation to Argus West's success. Our commitment is to provide superior customer service, cutting edge technology and a level of industry experience other investigative firms do not have. The consistent level of customer service and professional case management will ensure that your request is always handled promptly and in a manner consistent with your investigative approach and philosophy. Every client has direct contact with the Operations Manager and Administrative Staff assigned to their account. Whether it's case strategy, updates, turnaround time, or results, you will be impressed with their performance. To add further client value, Argus West has a web-based case management system (CMS) accessible by any client. While clients are given daily progress updates regarding their assignments, CMS is there for chronologically accessing cases, updates, reports, video and audio at any time. For surveillance, Argus West utilizes only the highest quality formats to capture video and create DVD's in true high definition. Videos can also be streamed to a client's desktop utilizing industry leading technology. You will find Argus West to truly be your one stop source for all your investigative needs.