Marketing Communications & Events Manager at Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia - Mascot, New South, AU
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia is the peak body for the heavy construction materials industry in Australia.Our members operate cement manufacturing and distribution facilities, concrete batching plants, hard rock quarries and sand and gravel extraction operations throughout the nation. CCAA membership is made up of the majority of material producers and suppliers, and ranges from large global companies, to SMEs and family operated businesses. The heavy construction materials industry produces concrete and its constituent parts; sand, aggregate and cement. The reliable and cost-effective supply to these markets is fundamental to sustainable growth and it is CCAA's aim to promote policies and planning frameworks that recognise the importance of these materials to Australia's sustainable future. The heavy construction industry generates approximately $15 billion in annual revenues and employs approximately 30,000 Australians directly and a further 80,000 indirectly. The industry is vital to the nation's building and construction industries and underpins the development of Australia's physical infrastructure. CCAA represents members' interests through advocacy to government and the wider community; provides assistance to building and construction industry professionals; aids in the development of market applications; and is a source of technical and reference information. The role of CCAA is to support the maintenance of the industry operation and responsibilities include:-Build an understanding of industry and its role with stakeholders-Maintain existing and develop new markets for members' products-Advocate for and influence the application and use of members' products-Influence development of codes and standards to support the use of members' products-Demonstrate the industry's sustainability credentials-Encourage collaboration and networking across the industry-Supply and share information to support the industry